Our Talents

Coco Chan
Language Ability
Native Cantonese 母語廣東話
Fluent English 流利英語
Qualifications / Experience
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) - English Language and Literature, HKBU 香港浸會大學英國語言文學文學士(榮譽)
Minor in Public Relations and Advertising, HKBU 香港浸會大學副修公關及廣告
Public Speaking Best Speaker, 2015 HKBU 香港浸會大學 2015 公開演說課程最佳講者
Extensive shooting and on camera experiences 豐富幕前經驗
ViuTV 2021 Reality Show “Love with the Gap” ViuTV 真人騷《阿女又戀嚟》
CosmopolitanHK Beauty Editor CosmopolitanHK 美容編輯
Collaborate with numerous beauty & lifestyle brands: KiehlsHK, CliniqueHK, OriginsHK, Watson’s Wine etc 與多個著名美妝品牌合作
Interview experience with renowned artists 豐富藝人訪問經驗: Mirror、Error、何超蓮、黃祥興、姜大偉等
Graduated from La Voix Emcee Course 畢業於 La Voix 司儀課程
Decent, amiable, adaptable and skilled at setting appropriate tone for events 大方親切、靈活應變、善於控制現場氣氛
Sweet, cheerful, elegant, energetic 甜美、樂觀、優雅、活潑